Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wow, well, if you can't tell, I had completely forgotten that this exists....

Well, with NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) coming up, I need to get back into writing. Hopefully, I will start adding my own stories (both fic and excerpts from my NaNo novel). I know you are so excited. I've been so insane with trying to finish my Masters (done! yay!) while working full time and trying to keep something that resembles a social life,so I kinda disappeared. For a while.

But I'm back! Yay! I am sure there are, like, all of 2 people rejoicing with me, but whatever. I'm writing for me. And for those two people. Thanks, guys!

I've been reading a lot of stuff on Twisting the Hellmouth recently, and have to share one fic in particular. While I am normally a huge and enormous Spike/Xander shipper, I love this fic. It's called "The Morning After" by Methos. Go here and check it out:

Basically, Xander wakes up hungover in Vegas. With a girl. Who he doesn't know. And apparently has married. Oh, and her name? Zoey Bartlett. Daughter of president Josiah Bartlett. Well, crap.

I love it. It only has three chapters so far, but how wonderful they are! And I have to admit to be extraordinarily fond of West Wing, which is the crossover element, and Martin Sheen as President Bartlett. I feel like Methos has managed to keep the voices of all the characters in both shows true to life. Or fiction. Or whatever. I love love love it. I cannot wait for the next update.


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