Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Where did this fic go!??!?!?

Okay, I've been trying to find this Harry/Draco fic for ages. I cannot remember the name. Or the author. Or where I found it. I remember reading it years ago now, but it seems to have disappeared. Sadness! If you know anything about it (like, where I can find it?), let me know!

Basically, Draco is jealous of Harry. Big surprise, right? He found some ritual or potion (or combination of the two) that is supposed to make him invisible at will. Kinda his counter to Harry's invisibility cloak. Unfortunately, something goes wrong, and he ends up with some sort of love potion? Or obsession potion? I don't remember what it is. But, of course, he becomes obsessed with Harry (because what else would happen, right?).

I remember at one point that Draco found a way to reverse the death curse, but by doing so, the spell caster gives of their own life force. Harry sees Draco doing it and gets upset, telling him to not do it again.

Not a lot to go on, right?


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